

*Corresponding author E-mail: DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.08292


Mukhpak (Stomatitis) is most common disease of oral cavity and can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of the cheeks, gums, lips, palate and tongue. It can disrupt a person's ability to talk, eat and sleep. This is an observational study on 65 Mukhpak (stomatitis) patients with complaints of redness, ulceration in oral cavity, salivation, pain and burning sensation in mouth treated with 3 - 4 times local application of Tankan Bhasma with Madhu (Honey) up to 14th days. Study demonstrated that local application of tankan Bhashma with honey is the so fast, simplest, economical and effective drug therapy in the management of Mukhpak due to anti-inflammatory, analgesic as well as healing property of Tankan Bhasma and Madhu.

Key words: Mukhpak, Stomatitis, Tankan Bhasma, Madhu .

INTRODUCTION In modern life style, excessive intake of fast foods, cold drinks spicy foods mixed type of food, acidic foods, etc. and addictions of chewing betel nut, gutkha, tobacco, smoking, drinking alcohol etc. which are characterised as apthyakar in Ayurveda disturb the normal physiology of the body and causes many oral diseases. Stomatitis is considered as one of the prevalent oral disease worldwide characterized by redness, ulceration in oral cavity with burning sensation, salvation and pain. Stomatitis occurs anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and palate. The symptoms degree from presence of mouth ulcers, redness and erosions of buccal mucosa, burning sensation of oral mucosa, difficulty in chewing pungent and hot things and or enlargement of sublingual and submandibular lymph nodes. In Allopathic system of medicine, various vitamins, systematic antibiotics, tetracycline mouth wash, local application of thick layer of triamcinolone acetoride, local anti- inflammatory agents like kenalog, orabase etc., are being recommended in this disease. However, ayurvedic treatments for this disease are safe, effective, cheap and nontoxic. Mukhpaka often called as sarvsara roga is a disease of oral cavity characterised in Ayurveda as the paka-avastha of oral mucosa and produces ulcers in oral cavity. Pitta dosha, raktavah and mamsa are the main dushya in Mukhpak. According to Acharya Sushruta there are 65 mukhroga which occur at seven locations such as lips, teeth, tongue, palate, throat and oral cavity and out of them 8 occur in lips, 15 in gums, 8 in teeth, 3 in tongue, 9 in palate, 17 in throat and 3 in entire mouth as described in uttartantra1. To break this samprapti, pitta doshahar, rakta prasadak, vranashodhak, vranropak, shothahar chikitsa is essential. As per Ayurveda the line of treatment for
mukhpak should be pittashamaka, Shothahara, Vedanasthapana, vranashodhana, Vranaropana, Rakta prasadaka, Mamsa dhatu pustikara. The clinical symptom of Mukhpak is comparable with stomatitis. There are many drugs described in Ayurveda literature to cure Mukhpak (Stomatitis) effectively. Sushruta praised the effect of Kshara (alkalis) so much that it can be replace Shastra karma since it does the chedna, bhedna, lekhna, darana, shothahara and roopna karmas simultaneously without the help of Shashtra2. Tankana (Na2B4O7.10H2O; Sodium tetraborate decahydrate) or purified borax a commonly available alkali appreciated as kshara raja or kshara shresta3. It has own important role because of its high therapeutic value. It is a medicine that is used for the treatment of skin diseases, ulcerating sores, gingivitis, eczema, cough etc. Honey, known as madhu is one of the most important medicines used in Ayurveda for both internal and external applications and mainly used for the treatment of eye diseases, cough, thirst, phlegm, hiccups, worm infestation, vomiting, epistaxis, leprosy, obesity, asthma, healing wounds and diarrhoea4. It is also used as a vehicle along with some medicines to improve its efficacy or to mitigate the side effects of the other medicines. In the present observational study, therapeutic potential of Ayurvedic medicine i.e. Tankan Bhasma alongwith madhu in 65 patients suffering from Mukhpak (stomatitis) is described.


This is an observational study based on daily OPD practice on 65 patients of age range 13-73 years with complaints of redness, ulceration in oral cavity, salivation, pain and burning sensation
Anil Mangal et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 2), 2017

in mouth during chewing of food for the last 3 days to 3 months visited OPD of Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Drug Development, Gwalior for treatment. Gender wise distributions of patients along with their socioeconomic conditions were presented in Table 1. Based on the symptoms and clinical feature they are diagnosed with the disease Mukhpak (Stomatitis)5. Patients were treat